Friday, September 24, 2010

First Presentation

On Thursday I completed my first presentation of the program.  I can't say it was clear sailing exactly but at least there weren't any eggs or vegetables thrown.    In hindsight, I could have framed my exercise a little better and been a bit more confident with my delivery.  The exercise itself seemed sound and some classmates told me afterwards that they enjoyed it.  Hopefully, I'll get more comfortable with giving presentations as time goes on. Best of luck to everyone who's still to come, I've got your back.


  1. I don't think there was really any risk of eggs or vegetables! The exercise you had us do was fantastic. It was something that I never would have thought of on my own, so thank you! I'm sure confidence will come with practice and getting to know the group you are teaching. It is always harder to present to your peers and you did a great job!

  2. I second the idea that it is harder to present to peers. Like everything though, public speaking gets easier with practice. You have the exercise and lesson down (I think everyone really loved it. Simple yet brilliant) and now you know what to work on for next time. So keep at it!

  3. Chris, I thought your presentation was great. The activity got all of us thinking and working together. I am terrified for my mini-lesson, it is so hard to speak in front of our peers! Don't stress it.

  4. Thanks for the kind words guys. Knowing I've got such a swell bunch of classmates is going to do wonders for my confidence the next time around!
